How to organize an outdoor birthday party

Outdoor birthday party

A birthday party in the park or in the backyard – if well organized – can truly be an unforgettable and original party. For children, who can have fun in freedom, and also for parents who can relax in the green and enjoy a beautiful day.

1. Choose the right space

What’s the right space for an outdoor birthday party? It depends on what kind of party you have in mind. If you have the desire and time to first organize a few games and maybe a treasure hunt, the home garden is also fine, even if it is not very large. If, on the other hand, you prefer an “unstructured” birthday party in the park where children play freely, then choose a park with a play area and perhaps an area suitable for a football match.

2. How to set up the space

A successful party also depends on the setting. The guests must be welcomed in a special space, which immediately makes you happy. For a birthday party in the park, bunches of balloons and garlands tied to the trees will serve to create the right atmosphere and give the kids a point of reference if they stray too far. In addition to creating a “private” space for your guests where they can gossip and play best online pokies australia.

3. Prepare the corners of the game

The beauty of the birthday party in the park is precisely that – unlike those indoors – children do not have to be entertained at all costs with animators, magicians, group dances. Outdoors, children can also simply be left free to play. The party can be thought of just like this: an afternoon to be spent together in the open air, each one playing whatever he wants, from the ball to the swing.

To make the party a bit special, however, you can make many different games available to the guests. In a basket, or in some old colored pillow cases, put balls, skipping ropes, Frisbees, rackets. You can bring your child’s toys (if he agrees to lend them to friends), buy some cheap toys for the occasion, or ask the guests to bring their favorite toys. Senior guest can check for online game.

4. The welcome gifts

Another simple way to immediately set the mood for the party is to welcome each guest with a small gift. Instead of a bag of candy when leaving, for the birthday party in the park you can give the children a pack of soap bubbles, or a small Frisbee or a boomerang, on arrival. A quick way to get the fun started right away.

5. Games for a birthday party in the garden

If you want to make the day a little special, and a little more “party”, you can alternate free play with organized games, perhaps with small prizes for everyone. Here are some ideas of games also suitable for a home garden that is not too large.

6. Beware of the buffet Last point

what do you eat at a birthday party in the park? Better to avoid creams, mayonnaise, and anything that risks being easily damaged by heat. Pizzas, biscuits, donuts, savory pies are good. Even for the cake, if you can’t go and get it at the last minute, it’s better to choose a tart, or think of something original. For example a composition of muffins, instead of the traditional cake. If you need some ideas for the buffet, also check out our post on snacks that children like .

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