All the behaviors to avoid when working remotely

remote work

It might seem like a dream to work remotely and, admittedly, it has its advantages. You will go to save the transport time, the relative costs, the coffees taken out, the bottles of water and the lunches in the lunch break. You will also be able to eat healthier as you can cook yourself at home. You will not have colleagues who interrupt you every two by three (perhaps in their places, however, you will have your children). In short, the new trend of remote work, whether forced by current social contingencies or by free choice, has numerous advantages.

Do not continue to nibble

Let’s face it! The refrigerator is always close at hand and no one looks at you wrong if you get up even 100 times for a piece of bread, a candy, a square of chocolate. If you continue like this, do you know at the end of the day how many additional (and useless) calories you will have swallowed? This is bad for you and your health. Password? Maximum respect for meal times and snacks. Keep eating healthy and forget about after-hours snacks: they don’t serve.

Dress and prepare every day: never stay in pajamas

Working from home doesn’t mean you can stay in your pajamas all day. This also serves you to heal yourself and not let go. Especially not to look unkempt when you show up to a meeting via Zoom too.

Don’t take too many breaks

This is not productive and is not to your advantage. In remote work you have full responsibility for your work so you don’t work with the aim of “filling” 8 hours, but make them, even if they were less, productive. Pay attention that there are control methods, if you are connected to a company network, to see your operation and productivity both in terms of time and execution. Also, if you are focused on the work you are doing and get it done, you can demonstrate that yours is quality work. Too much breaks distract you and waste your time. The biggest risk when working from home is that you stay on for a long time. In this way, you will actually only extend the working time, taking away precious time from yourself and your family. When you feel tiered try best online casinos australia.

Don’t take too many breaks

This is not productive and is not to your advantage. In remote work you have full responsibility for your work so you don’t work with the aim of “filling” 8 hours, but make them, even if they were less, productive. There are many online tools that will help you do quality work, for example by creating free templates for your presentations or homework. Pay attention that there are control methods, if you are connected to a company network, to see your operation and productivity both in terms of time and execution. Also, if you are focused on the work you are doing and get it done, you can demonstrate that yours is quality work. Too much breaks distract you and waste your time. The biggest risk when working from home is that you stay on for a long time. You can enjoy real money casinos when you have a good working day.

Don’t organize your time well

This is the secret of good success for working remotely: the methodical organization of time. If this does not happen, there is the risk of no longer having a clear division between the time dedicated to work and that for personal life. It is right to have your own spaces. Even if you have children and it is difficult to work in the same environment, you will need to divide the time spent with the family and the working time. This mental clarity of time management will also be of benefit to you, because the weights will be balanced and you will be able to do everything without falling into stress and anxiety.

Don’t stay seated all the time

If going to work could involve taking a walk on the way to the office and vice versa, staying at home could involve the risk that the maximum of the journey you take is from table to sofa, from sofa to kitchen and from kitchen to bed. . The human being was not born for a sedentary life. So don’t give up on a nice walk in your free time or some online training session. You can choose from low-impact practices such as yoga and pilates, up to full-fledged cardio sessions. Given the wide choice of free proposals, you can also change every day. If, on the other hand, you need help with this type of organization, use an App.

Don’t work from the sofa or bed

It might seem like a dream to be able to work from the sofa or bed comfortably lying down, but that’s not good. First of all because we are not completely concentrated: these two positions are in fact automatically associated with moments of relaxation and our unconscious part cannot help but continue to do so. In addition, it is also a question of posture. As long as we are in bed to sleep and supine and we have no problems, but, having to manage the PC, the mouse and the phone, of course, both on the sofa and on the bed, we will adopt the wrong postures. In the long run they will cause back contractures, lumbar pains and are not good for the health of our body. Pay attention to your posture even when you are on the chairs at home. We don’t usually have ergonomic chairs, like in the office, and it’s easy to assume bad postures.

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