The generation that sees breastfeeding


Today I had a very nice experience. L was playing with a bear has. He said the bear was her baby. I saw the pajama shirt stood up and started playing he was breastfeeding. How beautiful! Then, before bed, did it again. And finally, while I was reading a story, I began to ask for milk, so I gave, and L saw me and took running her teddy to also give milk. When I got pregnant girl, I read a lot about breastfeeding.


One of the things they said was that the workshops because there had been a time in history where breastfeeding disappeared. That is, the mothers began to give more bottles and fewer chests. The knowledge that should have passed from mother to daughter stopped, and the children grew up without seeing mothers to breastfeed without seeing something so normal and natural.

Our generation needs help and guidance to breastfeed because we do not have seen, because our mothers did not have experience in breastfeeding and have not had opportunities to learn through observation and example. Not to generalize, but more or less so. I have a theory, which is that in the time when my generation was born, the doctors advised more to bottle and so my mother could not give me the chest.

Today, Thanks to the Internet we can find many references and support groups for those who need them, and at the time my mother, there was no such resources. Oh if there had been! Another rooster crows! But now we are normalizing breastfeeding more, we appreciate that our children are watching their mother’s breastfeed their brothers. They see it as normal, and see it as something that is normal to do when they have their own children. From now on, the generation that sees breastfeeding is the next step for the full normalization of breastfeeding.

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